For the analog / digital project, my concept was very simple.
Analog was represented through a real-life picture, with no modification, and digital was its transformation in both pixels and virtual world at the same time.
I wanted to make mirror images and a metaphor with real life and dreams and imagination.
All our dreams are inspired in some way by things we see in real-life, but we transform and distort these things to give them new meanings.
Furthermore, I took as a digital basis the way 80s videogames presented graphics, in low resolution, few colors and very pixellated. I'm still fascinated today by how these very blocky and simple graphics were able to stimulate the imagination at the time, and how today videogames have such movie-like graphics that our imagination has a lesser role in filling in the void.
My analog picture was this one:
And my original digital representation was this one:
After doing this first one above, I realized I really enjoyed the process of drawing pixels by pixels, because since it was such a simple technique that wasn't meant to be realistic and beautiful, I was able to play more with concepts and ideas, and just let loose, have fun.
So I did two more drawings using the same techniques. These two drawings I was inspired by elements from the first one. They are kind of connected through my imagination, like when we say one word it makes us think of something, and this new word evokes a new idea etc...